Manuel Suarez is the Owner of Attention Grabbing Media, a full-service social media marketing agency.
Tasked with the job of driving continuous growth for several clients, Manuel is always looking for ways to increase revenue and average order value on Shopify.
Recently, he sent us a video explaining how OneClickUpsell helps him do just that.
“It’s really cool, because you can [dramatically increase] the average order value of a customer buying your products.”
Keep reading to hear more about Manuel’s success story.
Why Manuel Uses Post-purchase Upsells
So… what’s so great about upsells anyway?
It’s all about getting more offers in front of your customers. The more offers you make, the more conversions you can generate.
“When somebody buys a product, you have the ability to — before they complete the entire process — introduce them to other good selling products for your brand, your best sellers or products that complement each other well.“
You can leverage several types of upsells with OCU, like Pre-purchase Upsells and Thank You Page Upsells, which enable you to make offers throughout the customer’s journey on your site.
But OCU’s bread and butter are Post-purchase Upsells, which let you make an offer after a customer has completed their order but before they reach the Thank You Page.
That’s because this is the most important moment in the customer journey — Manuel explains why:
“The most important time, the most valuable moment in an entire customer journey, is when they already have seen you on social media, they interacted with your ad, they came to your website, and not only did they look at your products, but they added it to cart.
And not only did they add it to cart, they started the checkout. And not only did they start the checkout, they actually added their credit card info, and they actually completed a payment.
There is no more powerful moment in an entire journey than that moment right there to introduce them to other products, because they already trust you enough to give you their closest, most private and confidential information… So you take advantage of that opportunity, especially as an ecommerce brand, and you introduce them to something.”
How Manuel Increases His AOV with OneClickUpsell
Since OCU lets you make additional offers to the traffic you’re already getting, every dollar generated by upsells is extra revenue added to your bottom line.
As Manuel says, “If you get 10% of people to accept your upsells, that’s amazing.”
But OCU offer pages are built with the most persuasive elements for ecommerce stores — like image carousels, a tiered discount bar and split testing, to name a few — so conversions are often higher than that.
Manuel shows us that he has stretches where closer to 50% of people accept his upsells.
“With OCU, we’ve been able to increase it from $89 average order value to $110. That’s like more than 20% increase in the actual value of that cart.”
What would 20% more revenue mean for your store?
First of all, that extra profitability could be the difference between a positive ROI or a negative ROI for your Facebook ads.
You could also invest that extra capital in additional ad campaigns or email promotions, which could compound into even more growth.
Here’s a final thought from Manuel:
“If you guys want to increase your average order value, I’m giving you guys this advice. Make sure that you integrate something like OneClickUpsell to your Shopify site, because you’re going to dramatically increase [your AOV].”
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