Tutorial: Using OCU’s New Upsell Funnel Builder


Tutorial: Using OCU’s New Upsell Funnel Builder

***This post features OCU Legacy which is no longer supported by Zipify or Shopify. Click here if you’re looking for up to date information about OneClickUpsell***

Hey! It’s Jeff, Content Marketing Manager at Zipify Apps.

OneClickUpsell recently got a facelift when we rolled out OCU 2.0. We rebuilt the entire app from the ground up to make it more effective and easier to use.

One of the awesome additions to the app is our new Upsell Funnel Builder

And I’m going to give you a quick tutorial today on how to use this new feature to create entire upsell funnels in just minutes.

What is an Upsell Funnel?

Our data shows that a high percentage of people who take your first upsell will be interested in additional upsells.

That’s why you don’t want to offer just one upsell; you want leverage an entire upsell funnel, including second upsells and downsells that trigger based on your customers’ behavior.

At this point you have their full attention, so you want to take advantage of it. Not making additional upsells offers is just leaving money on the table.

Creating Your Funnel: Upsells & Downsells

With the new funnel builder, creating an upsell funnel is easy.

First, you set up the product you want to use for your first upsell.

(You have several options when setting up your product. We recommend you open the page editor to see what’s possible before moving on.)

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Once everything is to your liking, come back to the funnel builder and choose a downsell to show the customer if they decline the upsell.

The downsell could be a smaller sized item, a larger discount on the original item you offered, or anything else you want to try.

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Now that you have your first upsell and downsell set up, let’s offer a second upsell to show your customers if they take your first upsell.

Like before, select the product, edit the offer page to your liking, then come back and add a second downsell.

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Now, all you have to do now is add the tag to the products that you want to trigger this upsell funnel.

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Great! Your funnel is all set up!

That was Easy!

See how quickly you can create post-purchase upsells funnels using OCU’s new builder? It’s intuitive and easy to use.

More features rolled out with OCU 2.0, and even more that will be rolling out in the near future.

If you’re an OCU user, log into your account now and see what’s new.

If you’re not an OCU user yet and you’re interested in leveraging post-purchase upsell funnels on your Shopify store, go to oneclickupsell.com and see how we can help you increase revenue.

Try OneClickUpsell


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