Quick Breakdown: Ezra’s Content Marketing Strategy for Ecommerce Brands

(Note: This video was originally posted on the Smart Marketer blog. Some of the tools we use might have changed since then, but the strategies still work!)

Hey! Ezra here.

You’ve probably heard how important content creation is if you want a successful, sustainable ecommerce brand.

But how do you create content your community actually wants to consume?

And how do you turn your content into sales?

That’s what I want to show you in this blog post.

This is a quick breakdown of the two-step content marketing strategy that I used to grow my ecommerce brand to $20 million in yearly revenue at the time of this video (we’re now up to $40 million!).

Choosing the Right Content

Before we talk about how to create your content strategy, first we need to clarify what a business really is.

A business, in the broadest terms, is a series of communications (your brand) directed at a group of people having a shared experience (your market). When considering what content to include in your content marketing strategy, you need to think about how you can be a part of this experience.

For Zipify’s sister company, Smart Marketer, that community has the shared experience of being marketers and entrepreneurs who are interested in building businesses, so for our content strategy we create content around that topic.

Meanwhile, for my ecommerce brand, BOOM! by Cindy Joseph, the shared experience is around being a woman over 40, so this is what guides every piece of content we make.

What collective experience are your customers having right now? The answer to this question is your next blog post, your next video, or the next thing you retweet to your fans.

Okay, now that you know how to choose your content, let’s get into the strategy for turning content into sales.

5 Ways to Syndicate Your Content

Once a week, you should be broadcasting one piece of engaging content that is relevant to your market.

(And this doesn’t have to be content that you create yourself. You can share curated content, too. For example, if your community is in the kitchen category, you can send them a YouTube video about knife skills.)

To get your message in front of as many of your fans as possible, you want to syndicate your content across these 5 channels.

  1. Email – Once a week you should be emailing a relevant piece of content to your list. Email is such an effective marketing tool, and your goal should be to make at least 30% of your revenue from emailing your community.
  2. Pixeled Audiences – Everyone who has visited your website or is a Facebook fan of your brand can be retargeted via advertising. There isn’t a blog post that goes out for any of my brands that doesn’t get advertised on Facebook.
  3. Facebook Messenger – We are seeing the rise of Messenger as a major way that customers engage with our businesses. Before long, people are going to book travel, order an Uber, and (most importantly) buy products inside of Messenger. When we made this video, the tool we were using was ManyChat. We now use Agorapulse.
  4. & 5. Desktop and Mobile Push Notifications – We used PushCrew for these last two channels. It’s one tiny bit of code that you can add to your store’s backend, and it builds a list of people who opt in to receive notifications. PushCrew notifies these fans directly on their desktop or cell phone whenever you post new content, and engagement is extremely high. We are now using Kinnekt for desktop and mobile messaging.

Whenever we send out a new piece of content, we syndicate it on all 5 of these channels (and you should, too).

Leveraging Your Content for Sales

Then, every 6 weeks you should be promoting a sale campaign. It can be for any reason — Mother’s Day, National Dog Day, it doesn’t matter — as long as every 6 weeks, you are giving your community some incentive to do business with you. 

In the video, I show you how we’re doing this for our Valentine’s Day Sale.

Even if you only have 50 people on your list, offering them the opportunity to buy one of your products at a discount will make you money.

It doesn’t need to be any more complicated than this. This is the simple two-step process (weekly content followed by a sale) that helped me scale my ecommerce brand to now over $40 million in yearly revenue.

Go try it for your brand!

What’s Happening Beyond Zipify

Want a proven system for creating social media campaigns that actually drive sales and grow your brand?

Swipe the “I.C.O.S.A.” Framework used by my $40 million/year brand!Laura Palladino is the Social Media Director for BOOM! and she’s helped rack up 355,000 Facebook fans and 700,000 email subscribers while generating $125 million in total revenue with this framework.

Swipe it now and turn your brand’s social media into a high-impact marketing machine.

PLUS: Get Laura’s daily schedule to see how a real brand uses the I.C.O.S.A. system on a daily basis!

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