***This post shows functionality from OCU Legacy which is no longer supported by Zipify or Shopify, but this same functionality is available in OCU Native. Click here if you’re looking for up to date information about OneClickUpsell***
“We use OneClickUpsell to get subscriptions, so we can get monthly recurring revenue. That’s HUGE for us.”
– Eric, Zipify Brand Ambassador
Eric is the Founder of Hydroviv.com, an ecommerce brand that sells high-quality water filtration systems for your home.
Last summer Eric installed OneClickUpsell on his Shopify store, and it transformed the way he sells subscriptions:
Eric built custom post-purchase upsell flows for each of his filtration systems, including recurring subscription plans tailored to each product.
The result: he was able to offer his customers a more complete solution to their problem…
And increase his average order value by creating a new, high-ticket product for his store.
Today, 41% of people who buy Hydroviv’s undersink system buy a subscription plan immediately after, thanks to his OCU post-purchase upsell funnels:
Results of Eric’s #1 OneClickUpsell Funnel:
- 100s of Monthly Subscriptions Plans Sold
- 10s of $1,000s Added in Recurring Revenue
- 41% Conversion Rate
A 41% conversion rate is a monster number in the water filtration space, and it represents an important source of dependable recurring revenue for his business:
“It’s a really, really easy to use platform — you don’t need to be a developer to use it.
It’s just something that out of the box you can create great pre-sale and post-sale upsells that convert.”
Want to Try OneClickUpsell on Your Store?
Zipify makes it easy to add pre- and post-purchase upsell funnels to any product on your store, including recurring subscription plans like Eric’s.
To see how you can increase the revenue on your Shopify store, go here to learn more about OneClickUpsell: