Product bundling is a fast and easy way to sell more products, increase revenue, and boost your average order value.
According to Shopify, brands that began offering bundles on their site saw up to a 40% increase in sales. One brand even reported a boost to their average order value by 110%!*
So, if you’re ready to start offering your own product bundles, or if you want to give your current bundles a new look, we’ve got a new template that’s perfect for you!
Introducing: The “Buy More, Save More” Product Bundle Template.
This page lets you offer pre-built bundles or multi-pack offers all within one buy box that sits on a page entirely dedicated to converting on the offers.
Now, let’s peel back these layers and take a closer look at this new template.
Creating Bundle Offers Using the Dynamic Bundle Offer Block
If you want to sell pre-built “bundle” products or multi-pack offers, the Dynamic Bundle Offer block is a fantastic way to do it.
Once you’ve selected the Dynamic Bundle Offer block from the Buy Boxes section of the block library — or if you are using the Dynamic Bundle Offer block seen in this template — start by selecting the products you want added:
You can add up to 3 different pre-built bundle offers to this block. For each one, you will need to set the Variants, Discounts, and pre-set Quantities you want offered:
This is a great way to get multiple bundle offers in front of your customers, giving them the option to choose between a variety of your products.
If you’d rather offer a multi-pack bundle of the same product, we recommend adding a single product and pre-setting the Quantity and the Discount you want applied per unit.
The value of the multi-pack offer can be conveyed through the pricing and discount of the product, Product titles (1), Savings per unit (2), and “Best Value” label (3):
To learn more about the additional settings not discussed here, visit the Dynamic Bundle Offer help section.
“Buy More, Save More” Bundle Product Page Overview
In this section, you’ll learn about the conversion-proven blocks used in this template, including the available layout options for the Dynamic Bundle Offer block.
The Dynamic Header (#1)
This is one of two blocks that take up most of the screen above the fold, so customers will immediately notice it. Like most successful headers, this one is simple and designed for easy navigation. It also doesn’t distract people from…
The Dynamic Bundle Offer (#2)
This block is the feature presentation of this template, and it takes up most of the screen when the page first loads:
(To learn how to add bundle products to this block, visit the previous section.)
Once you’ve added your products, the next task is to modify the appearance of this block. Under the Layout’s Buy Box section, you can choose between 17 different elements to display.
These include options like the image carousel, star rating, countdown timer, size chart, and FAQ/Accordion drop-down:
In addition to these settings, you can modify the appearance of each bundle offer shown above the buy box through the Layout Offers section. These elements include the Label, Product Titles, “Compare At” Price, Product Discount, and Product Callouts:
When two or more offers are shown, the Best Value Banner will appear above one of them. This helps to clearly communicate to your customers which offer provides the most value compared to the others:
Marketing & Social Proof
Beyond the DBO block, the next 4 blocks consist of images and copy that are used for additional marketing and social proof. This is where the customer is given more information about the bundle offer, with the goal of encouraging them to “act now”:
“Shop Now” Buttons
Throughout the marketing and social proof sections there are 3 “Shop Now” buttons that link back to the Dynamic Bundle Offer block. This makes it easier for customers to go back and purchase a bundle without enduring the hassle of manually scrolling back to the top of the page:
Ready To Start Using The “Buy More, Save More” Bundle Product Page Template?
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