4 Reasons to Love OCU 2.0 (with a Little Help from Ezra Firestone)


4 Reasons to Love OCU 2.0
(with a Little Help from Ezra Firestone)

***This post features OCU Legacy which is no longer supported by Zipify or Shopify. Click here if you’re looking for up to date information about OneClickUpsell***

We’ve been working behind the scenes for months to turn OneClickUpsell into the top upsell app on the market.

And after many, many rounds of redesigns and upgrades…

The new OCU 2.0 is here and live on your store! To celebrate this amazing news, we made a video showing off 4 of our favorite new features.

We’ve also included training videos from Zipify CEO Ezra Firestone to show you how he’s using OCU 2.0 on his 8-figure Shopify store, including:

    • Some important split-test results
    • Tips for your most profitable funnels
    • Best practices for offer page design
        And more… Enjoy!


#1 Split-Testing

Thanks to this new built-in feature, optimizing each step of your upsell funnel is super simple and can be done in just a few clicks.

All you have to do is decide what you want to test (product, price, discount, copy, etc.), then customize the new offer page to your liking. Whenever you’re ready, website traffic will be split 50/50 between the 2 upsell offers.

And if you’d like to see the split-tests that Ezra’s running on his 8-figure store, here’s a short clip:


#2 New Funnel Builder

Next up on our list of OCU’s top new features is the upgraded funnel builder.

With this new builder it’s possible to create a complete post-purchase upsell funnel in a fraction of the time. Just select which product you want to offer as the upsell, and the app pulls in all the info — no tagging required.

Make any design adjustments to the offer page you want (or even start a split-test), and you’re ready to publish.

This new builder is an incredible upgrade over OCU 1.0, and for a full walkthrough of everything we improved, here’s another clip from Ezra:


#3 Redesigned Offer Page

Now let’s dive into the fully renovated and modern offer page editor.

OCU 2.0’s new offer page has been completely redesigned to look and perform better than ever.

Along with its modern layout, we’ve also added a brand new, mobile-friendly buybox with drop down variant selectors.

If you haven’t done so yet, I recommend you log in now to check out the new offer page design on your store.

And if you want to see how Ezra customizes the new offer pages for his brand, watch this:


#4 New Analytics Dashboard

We also rebuilt our entire in-app data dashboard to give you the most important information, displayed in a way that’s easy to understand.

Now on one screen you can get the sales and revenue numbers from your upsells, downsells, and even non-upsell orders for any given timeframe.

Plus, the new dashboard gives you data-driven insights into the top performing funnels and individual offers on your store.

It’s all the information you need to get the most out of OCU 2.0 and your Shopify store.
Not A Customer Yet?

This was just a sample of OCU’s newests features. If you’re already a customer, log into your account now and have a look around.

If you’re not a customer yet and you’d like to offer post-purchase upsells on your store, visit www.zipify.com/oneclickupsell today to learn more.

Try OneClickUpsell


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