I was able to increase my average order value by $12.50 overnight with one simple strategy that I want to show you.

Because if you make more money from each customer, you can spend more money to acquire new customers.
And the more you can spend, the more you can acquire - and the bigger you get. Focus on Lifetime Customer Value, and you will have a much better chance of having a successful business. But what's the second most important number in eCommerce? If you asked most people, they would tell you it's conversion rate...And conversion rate is important, but it's not as important as... AVERAGE ORDER VALUE!
Average order value is the average amount of money you make on each order that comes through your store. So why specifically am I so happy right now? First, let me show you my old average order value: $58 per order is what we were making on average.
But as soon as we implemented this simple strategy...Our AOV jumped to $70.50 for the next two-week period:

But Let's Take a Closer Look...
The first two-week period is June 6th to June 22nd, and the two-week period when we implemented the strategy was June 23rd to July 9th.
We had 20 fewer orders in the last two weeks, but our revenue was still up.
Our average order value went up 21%. Even though our eCommerce Conversion Rate was down a little bit, our per-session value is up nearly $0.20.
Plus, I sold 2,200% More Units:
In the first two-week period, I only sold 1 of this product. But using this strategy, in the second two-week period...I sold 22 more of this product!
And again, my revenue is up, even though my overall transactions are down:
What Is an Extra $12.50 Per Order Really Worth?
Right now I get ten orders a day on this website. That’s not huge. But an extra $12.50 for each of those transactions is an extra $125 per day. And when you add that up over the year:$125 extra (x) 365 days = $45,625
An extra $45,000 that I'm going to make from one strategy that I implemented in one night. With a $58 average order value at ten orders a day for one year, I was earning $211,000 with this brand. By increasing my AOV to $70.50, it brings me up to over a quarter of a million dollars in revenue. That's basically a new Mercedez Benz. And I should know, because I recently bought this one:And this is the real value of this strategy

The Most Common Way to Increase Average Order Value Is With Cross-Selling
It’s the way that most people do it, and it works great. Cross-selling is the art of offering additional products before someone checks out.Proactiv Is One Of The Best In The Game At Cross-Selling

And Here's My Pre-Purchase "Bump" Cross-Sell:

I've been a leader in eCommerce for 10 years.
And cross-selling is awesome. I use it. Here, we're using pricing tiers to get people to buy more of our product by offering a bundle deal. And this does increase our average order value... But the main problem with cross-selling is, if you do it wrong... You interrupt the order flow.And a lot of eCommerce stores are doing this wrong.
You don't want to interrupt the order flow, and you don't want to stop people when they're trying to make an order. If they get to your shopping cart, and you pop up a big widget that says,"Hey, add this other thing on," you're giving them another step before they can become your customer. But cross-selling is not the strategy that increased my average order value by $12.50 overnight...My strategy is Post-Purchase One Click Upsells and here's why:

With post-purchase upsells, after a customer completes their order...
We send them to a one-time offer page where we offer a special deal on an additional product. They say Yes or No with the click of a button.If they click "Yes," that product is seamlessly added to their order.
If they click "No," they're either taken to another offer page, or our post-purchase Thank You page depending on how you set it up. Either way, there’s no risk of losing their initial purchase."Sadly, Most Ecommerce Business Owners Aren't Doing This..."
There's nothing as powerful as the post-purchase one click upsell when it comes to increasing your average order value. And sadly, most eCommerce business owners aren't doing this. And if they are, they're not doing it well.Now I'm going to show you how I'm using the post-purchase one click upsell strategy, and show you how to best implement it in your business.
What Types of Upsell Offers Should You Make?
First, I want to share some stats with you that I find fascinating. I created an app for Shopify that does this for you, that allows you to do these post-purchase one-click upsells on your store.In the last four months, our app processed 21,700 orders for $808,144.30 in revenue across 412 different stores.
So I've got some data to back up these statistics that is not just from my stores. And we learned a few things from all this data. We learned what is the best thing to offer as a one click upsell, because that's the statistic people want to know. So what's the best thing to offer people after they buy?More of what they just bought!
Believe it or not, that is better than anything else. It converts higher, and people say "Yes" to it more often.Let me show you an example of how we do this...

"Wait! Your order is not complete!"
We use bundles. I really like the "Get 3 for 2" bundle. On the left we're doing it with our eye serum, and on the right, we're doing it with our facial mask. We offer a little bit of a discount and say, "Wait! Your order is not complete. Get 3 for the price of 2." Bundles are a phenomenal way to offer more of what they just bought. Essentially, if someone buys just one product, you offer them that product again—maybe a bundle, maybe just one at a discount—because that’s the thing that converts the best.But what's the best price point?
How much should you be asking people to spend on a product after they've just made a purchase? That's a tough question to answer, because there's not really a best price point.The average price point of an upsell for those 21,700 orders that I just talked about and were processed through our app was $20.05.
But we have upsells right now that are $45, $67—we even have one business that has an upsell for $497, and it works amazing. So the price of the initial products that you're selling will dictate the price of the upsell. There's not a better or worse upsell price. But I will say, whatever I'm offering, I like to make it at least a 25% discount.And the bigger the discount the better.
Because you're incentivizing people to take action right then by making them an additional offer that gives them a discount on a product they just purchased or another product in your line.But what should I say on my offer pages?
So, you have a product you want to upsell, but you don't know how to structure these pages or what to say. Let me show you our most effective Upsell Page right now.I'm going to show you every page and everything that we say on every page, so that you can replicate this in your business.
This is my proven offer page here:

The first thing is that it looks like the shopping cart that they were just in.
The header's the same, it's white and clean, and has our logo. And then we say, "Wait, your order is not complete," in red text, because we don't want people to leave this page. And in the sub-headline, "Get this limited one-time offer today only." We're letting them know that this is a limited one-time offer that you can only get today, and to “Add to your order right now and receive 28% off."And you can use this exact same copy
...Because it works so well for us that I want you to use it.
Upload Your Featured Video
The one you see on ours is literally just the video that's on our product detail page. But you could do a whole upsell video where you reiterate all your upsell content—I even recommend it—but we just didn't have the time or energy to make one. So we just slapped the product sales video on here, and it's working great.Then there's the first Call to Action button:

One click and they can add this item to their order.

And if they say "No" to this offer page...

But if they said "Yes" to your first upsell offer...
...We Offer an Additional Upsell!

That's the entire upsell tree we’re using right now.
But we have one more page that's made us an extra 11% in sales!
If they say "No" to any of the upsell offers you’ve made, we take them to the "Thank You" page. But we make them another great offer on the "Thank you" page. Let me show you:
Plus, Our "Thank You" Page Offer
We also give them a little video of the product they just bought, that's pre-arrival excitement letting them know what they can expect from us. Plus, we've got a little bit of long-form content that tells them they can reach out to us at any time. And then we say, "Hey, don't miss out on your chance to save on great products," and we offer them an upsell they haven’t seen.
And they can click "Add to my order" on the "Thank you" page.
That's how our upsell tree works. We're making one last one-click up sell. Nobody else is doing this. And it's very effective. The software app we built allows us to do this and it will allow you to do it, too. Now I want to show what to offer your customers post-purchase. I already told you that you can do bundles, you can do additional products, you can do discounted products, you can do all kinds of stuff.But you can also use data from your store to figure out what to offer, and here's what I mean by that:
I'm in the backend of my store here.
Shopify gives me Website Cart Analysis...
And this report tells me the most likely items to be added to the cart. I can get ideas from these reports in Shopify, and I can see what to upsell people. So if someone adds my foaming wash, then 69% of the time they're also going to add my face and eye cream.If you don't have Shopify but you do have Google Analytics...
You can look in here at a report called Product Performance:

(This report is obviously from one of my larger stores.)
I Just Gave You All Of My Proven Offer Pages and My Entire Upsell Sequence.
This is all I did to increase my Average Order Value and Revenue by $45,625 overnight!
And all to a store that only does 10 transactions per day.Let me show you how you can quickly and easily create proven Post-Purchase One Click Upsells for your Shopify store...

(If you're not a Shopify store owner—sorry, you've got to figure out that technology for whatever platform you're using.)
But if you are a Shopify store owner, then this app will do it for you; everything that I just showed you, you can easily do inside the app. If you click the link on this page, you can go over to the sales page and find out everything that it does. Click Here to Learn more!But I just added some brand new features to OneClickUpsell that I want to share with you right now...

Just Added To OneClickUpsell:
Abandoned Cart Email Flow

I've made $1,600,000 from email automation sequences.
And at an average of $0.82 per recipient. There was one email flow that was way more profitable than every other e-mail flow, and that was the abandoned cart email flow.
The OneClickUpsell Checkout Page
So a customer comes to your site: They add a product to their shopping cart, and then they go to check out. And what happens is they get to the OneClickUpsell checkout page."As Soon as They Enter Their Email Address..."

This is What it Looks Like Inside the App:

Inside the app, you can see all of the people who are going through your checkout process.
You can see whether they've abandoned the cart, which means that they put a product into their cart but they didn't complete the order.

Connecting Your Email Lists

This is where you connect Active Campaign, AWeber, Get Response, Infusionsoft, Klaviyo, or MailChimp.
And in the "Abandoned Cart" section, you'll be able to click "Edit" and choose the lists that people go on to.Whether they go on to your Cart Abandonment or your post-purchase Thank You list...
...You can set all of those up right here inside the app. And when we send that data into Klaviyo, or into whatever your CRM is, not only are we sending the email address... But we're sending all of the variables that are attached to that email address like what exactly was in their cart, and a link back for them to complete their order.$316,000 in the Last Year

Here’s what’s important:
You're going to be able to make extra money using this "Abandoned Cart" functionality.
And we've documented everything for you in the "Help" section. So you can see how to integrate it.

People have been asking us for this next thing for months, and we finally have the technology working...

Dynamic Facebook Event Integration!
Now Facebook Event Integration and purchase value is going to be dynamically inserted into your Facebook Ads account.
So if you're running Facebook Ads like we are, not only are you going to get the purchase events, and how much each purchase event costs and the value of each individual purchase event on the ad set level... But you can also see how many upsells you’ve sold:
Put Your Facebook Pixel ID Right Into the App
So when you integrate, all you have to do in your OneClickUpsell application is go to "Preferences," (if you're using the Shopify native Facebook integration) and you can put your Facebook pixel ID right there. When you're running Facebook ads to the OneClickUpsell checkout, all of that data is going to be available for you. So you can see the value of each purchase, the value of all the upsells on a per-ad basis and see how much upsell revenue you're making right inside of Facebook Ads.
Google Analytics Enhanced eCommerce!
The other cool thing that we added was Google Analytics Enhanced eCommerce.You'll be able to see all the upsell pages, how long people stay on those pages, how much upsell items are being added to each order.
You can see all kinds of stats in Google Analytics.
With a Full "HELP" Section 
You'll be able to look at the "Help" section and read about how to enable Google Analytics Enhanced eCommerce, and everything you can see inside of Google Analytics now with OneClickUpsell.
Including videos about how to use the new Facebook pixel integration, Google Analytics, the "Abandoned Cart" functionality,
And how to set up all our new offer pages.

You can always live chat with us from right inside the application.
You can message us, get in contact with us, and we will help you set it up.
We've improved OneClickUpsell so much, and we will continue to work on it.
My team and I will continue to improve this app and make it better and make it even easier to use.
So it makes you even more money.
We are spending all of our time and energy working on these apps to make sure that they make you more money and serve you better.