Featured Template: Long Form Product Detail Page

Featured Template: Long Form Product Detail Page

Product detail pages are arguably the most important pages on your website, as they give customers that final push toward a purchase. And Zipify Pages’ Long Form Product Offer Page Template increases conversions by presenting your customers with a more compelling offer.

Your Most Important Pages

The traffic that lands on your product offer pages have shown considerable interest in doing business with you, so it’s essential that you optimize this page to best showcase your offer.

That’s why we created the Long Form Product Offer Page Template. This differs from a traditional ecommerce product page because it gives customers more information: it anticipates more questions and concerns, promises more assurances and guarantees, and communicates greater value.

What’s On The Page?

Some of the elements included in this template are:

  • A customizable countdown timer (if your offer has limited availability)
  • Hero shot of the product
  • Product videos
  • Buy box (a 3-part block that uses text, image, and a call to action)
  • Ownership benefits
  • Unique brand benefits
  • Customer testimonials and other social proof
  • A pre-purchase order bump, and more…

Each of these page elements helps distinguish your unique offer, and contributes to persuading your customer to buy from you (instead of one of your competitors).

How To Use This Template

You can use the Long Form Product Offer Page Template as a part of a sale campaign, or as a normal product page in your store funnel. Either way, it converts very well.

For a full walkthrough of this template, watch my video above.

(On my other blog, I did a longer video analysis of long form product offer pages. Watch that video here.)

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